The following Hello World test example is the most simple use of our automated website application testing tool.
The test suite configuration below tests whether the specified <url> from below returns HTML that <contains> the words “Hello World”.
If the HTML does contain “Hello World” at runtime, then your test assertion is fulfilled and this gets logged as a PASS. If not, it gets logged as a FAILURE.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<userstory title="Test that 'Hello World' appears on the web page">
<contains>Hello World</contains>
You run this test suite, simply by typing php run.php testsuite=”Examples/1_hello_world.xml”
And this is what you see when it completes:
Hey, but so far this test suite is not manual, it’s not automated either, it’s sort of half-way in between! This is how you fully automate the website tests on your system.
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