System requirements
- Linux/Windows/Mac … anything goes.
- Install PHP 5.4+ on the server where you want to run your tests from. The actual web app that you want to test can be on a different server, as long as it is accessible over the network via http/s. It doesn’t even need to be written in PHP.
- Enable the PHP extension CURL, which is a piece of cake.
How to install?
- Click the Download the automated testing tool button below.
- Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a directory on your server.
- Open a command prompt and change into that directory, so for example “cd /home/user/site/lib” or “cd C:\MyDocu~1\user\site\lib”. Then change into “cd AutomateYourTests”.
- If you are too lazy to browse the documented examples on this website, check that you have internet access, type one of the following commands and see what happens … otherwise browse the documented examples on this website!
php run.php testsuite="Examples/1_hello_world.xml"
php run.php testsuite="Examples/2_typical_technical_test_suite.xml"
php run.php testsuite="Examples/3_typical_functional_test_suite.xml"
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